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Student Projects: Making a Difference

Innovation and Impact: Brighton Hall Students Lead the Way

Our Student Projects

At Brighton Hall, our students are not just learners; they're innovators, creators, and leaders. Through a variety of creative projects, they've taken on the challenge of addressing real-world issues, offering solutions, and encouraging their peers to make a positive impact in their communities. This page is dedicated to showcasing the remarkable projects our students have developed, from videos that inspire community involvement to guides on managing stress and anxiety.


Brighton Hall’s students pursue a number of creative projects, both as community service projects and just for fun.

Our Intro to Screenwriting Club wrote, directed and produced this short horror film, titled “DEADTENTION”

The Imbalancing Act

Our Student Council partners with the international nonprofit, a student-driven organization that encourages youngsters to involve themselves in projects to benefit their own communities and the world at large. Our projects have been distributed around the world to engage other, like-minded students, into reaching beyond what they believe their limitations might be. Some of these projects include the following:

As our students have a focus on teens and mental health issues, our Student Council wrote, produced and directed a short film on the subject, “The Imbalancing Act,” thanks to a successful Go Fund Me campaign. The film has been viewed more than 50,000 times on different platforms.


Thanks to a substantial grant from Allstate Insurance for our community service efforts, our Student Council also wrote, directed and recorded a radio play, “H20”, using live sound effects. This project was to raise awareness of the scarcity of clean drinking water around the world, and to raise enough funds to build a water well in an African village.

The Zen Zone

“The Zen Zone” was a Student Council project to help our anxious or stressed students find a quiet moment for themselves. Watch the short film they created to send out to other schools who might want to do something similar.

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    (818) 985-9485

    755 N. Whitnall Hwy
    Burbank, CA 91505

Brighton Hall is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)


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