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Student Council

Brighton Hall’s Student Council works to help our community at large with a number of projects each year, usually by tapping the inherent talents of our student members.

The proceeds from our annual Open Mic Nite are donated to a local women’s shelter… We wrote, filmed and distributed an award-winning short film designed to raise awareness of teens and mental health issues… We produced and distributed a radio play to highlight the looming environmental scarcity of clean water – and raised enough money to build a water well in an African village… We created a Student Meditation space for kids who just need a moment alone, then filmed how we built it to send to other schools who might need their own Zen Zone.

We also help out a number of local nonprofits, with supply drives for Hope Mills, which services the homeless population of Los Angeles, and the Union Rescue Mission. And that still leaves us time to plan for Spirit Week and enjoy our own afterschool parties.

Student Council is open to any student who wishes to join and lend a hand. All Student Council hours contribute toward the Graduation requirement of 40 hours of Community Service.

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    (818) 985-9485

    755 N. Whitnall Hwy
    Burbank, CA 91505

Brighton Hall is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)


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